The legal Drinking age in different countries It is very well known that people all around the world love to drink and consume alcohol just for fun or to reduce stress and tension. With the passing time it has been seen that many youngsters and schools going kids have also started consuming alcoholic beverages. The government off many countries had tried to pass different laws wherein people consuming alcohol below the of legal age bill be either fined or will the put behind the bars. In Denmark, in order to purchase and consumer alcohol from a bar or a pub you have to be at the 16 years of age. It may be possible that some of the bars do not permit youngsters under the age of 18 to enter inside. It has been seen that today young people in aggression and fun try to consume alcohol to show and boost their power and possession and in excitement meet with an accident or create some problem or trouble for the family. So in order to fail and all these incidents, all the shopkeepers and bars selling alcohol have to I ask for the ID-card of the person purchasing alcohol to conform their age or else they will be fined. In order to prohibit such activities among youngster’s 31 states including taxes, California, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Idaho have adopted non alcoholic beers for minors. In Germany, both minors and people who sell alcohol are legally banned. That means that neither can a minor purchase alcohol nor can a seller sell him and. They are not allowed to drink in public and the legal age for alcohol consumption is between 14 to 16 years but in a legal Guardian’s presence or supervision. Most of the people look up to their parents and learn from their habits of drinking alcohol. If you teach your child the right etiquettes then probably he will not start consuming alcohol prior to the drinking age that is legally allowed .Most of the parents do not allow their young kids to go out and have alcoholic beverage so they intentionally break their parent’s rules and go out and consume alcohol. It is not bad to have alcohol once in a while but consuming high doses home and invite them of alcohol regularly can be really dangerous for your body. In France, it is actually not customary to ask for identification from people who come to purchase alcohol unless the person appears to be of inappropriate age. All individuals less than 16 years of age are not allowed to purchase alcohol. Most of the European countries permit the Drinking age between 15-18 years is legally accepted for consumption and intake of alcohols whereas in most of the Asian countries the legal age is above 18 years. The culture and trend of the country also plays a great role like in most of the European countries having alcohol at pubs, restaurants, clubs is very common so the legal age is less as compared to other places in the world.

lowering drinking age

safe drinking

drinking age

Richard Traderick
Drinking Age: Drinking Age
Source: How to Stop Smoking